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Pedigree Software Family History Genealogy System

PediTree version 3.330 February 2010

  • Probable date errors in vital person and marriage events are listed in order to view and correct them.
  • Validation of dates of people, marriages and censuses relative to other fields in the same record and related records is now built into a script in Elton55.612 for use in PediTree v3.310 and later.
  • CSV files can be imported by PediTree into any of its types of record with easy field selection.The list of selected fields is filed for easier reuse.
  • Relationship Islands are identified for each interconnected group of Person and Marriage (Family) records. Several island# can be selected and a list of Person and Marriage records shown or exported as GEDCOM or deleted.
  • New GEDCOM import facility to cater for unknown field tags that may have come from another genealogy program or a different style of Pedigree database.
  • Extensive help text in format suitable for Vista and earlier Windows versions. Check DB also checks space allocation.
  • Wide tree rows of generations now vary in height to accommodate the longest text in that row. This saves paper and speads the text more evenly to improve appearance whilst reducing the number of boxes that get text truncated.
  • Since v3.301 a completely new editing window and actions provided simpler entry of data by keyboard. Edit panels as used in Pedigree allow subsets of all fields to be edited more quickly. Multiple value fields such as occupations and censuses links can be rearranged in sequence.
  • Fast GEDCOM export & import, multi-page reports for long notes or many children, occupations, residences etc. and better addition of Census records have been added recently.
  • Tables created in PediTree can be saved as tab delimited, Comma Separated Values for speadsheets or Rich Text Format for use in Microsoft Word and similar software.
  • Relationships between two people can be determined by finding all of their common ancestors, if any.
  • Other files on your PC can be referenced in any text field to show pictures, web pages or documents and PediTree will open them during its session if you select them.
  • A 52 page Getting Started booklet written by a user supplements the extensive online context sensitive help and 136 page reference manual.
  • Users with PediTree can upgrade to later versions of PediTree for £11. Users with PediView can upgrade to PediTree for £20 with the printed guides. Web upgrades can be obtained for 12 months after any paid upgrade.
  • Data definitions of fields, tags, groups like events, and even types of record can now be changed in each Pedigree database by PediTree.
  • GEDCOM version 5.5 files suitable for import to PAF4/5, Family Tree Maker, Family Historian etc. can be exported from databases made from the latest Elton55 v612 supplied with PediTree.
  • Parts of the database can be exported as GEDCOM format files by selecting a set of records from an existing list. The list can be made by filtering (selecting with several conditions) or by making a descendants or ancestors plan. Associated Source and Census records can be exported too.
  • Any of the person, family/marriage, source or census records can be edited using a vertical or horizontal grid like a spreadsheet. Cells containing place names can be selected from places used already, links to other records can be used from the last current record of that type, repeated from the last record edited, pasted from a marked record, or entered directly. Links with a corresponding two-way link in another record are updated automatically, but controlled by a user script.
  • Global find in View mode and Search and Replace in Edit mode will either search all records in the DB or a selected list of records. A list is produced in View mode before you take the powerful Replace facility, which then shows which records were changed.
  • Jpeg images can be used in PediTree reports and Wide Trees.
  • Full lists of all places that are used in any of Pedigree's events, occupations and residences can be listed and sorted alphabetically to resolve inconsistencies. A picklist can be created for use when editing place names to use one of those already used. An existing filtered list or tree plan of a family branch can be sorted by place of events or date.
  • Similarly, all dates used in the same groups of data can be listed and sorted chronologically for examining the events across your ancestors that occurred at similar times. An existing filtered list or tree plan of a family branch can be sorted by date of those events.
pedigree-software/latestpv.1287325695.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/30 00:09 (external edit)

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