Table of Contents
The following utility programs are available for use with Pedigree Software programs and databases. Except where mentioned, these are all Windows programs that install and work under all versions of Windows from WinXP to Win10 32 or 64-bit (From April 2013, these utilities are no longer compatible with Windows versions earlier than XP.)
Database Utilities
Checks Pedigree Software databases for corrupt records, which it may then be used to remove. Includes a compaction facility for use on databases with no corrupt records and the ability to create a copy having a different maximum size. See this page for more information and a download link.
A utility to remove information about living people from GEDCOM files. Download the 869Kib installer setgprune07.exe (Version 0.7, 03 November 2017). For more information, download a printable version of the program description gedprune.pdf.
GedStats is a utility program that can read GEDCOM files and display statistics about their contents. These statistics can be exported in a form compatible with popular spread-sheet programs for printing or further analysis. It is also possible to list the information held in a chosen field for all the records in the file. Download the 1275Kib installer setgst092.exe (Version, 9 November 2020).
Miscellaneous processing of GEDCOM files, especially for importing from other programs. Supplied with PediTree and Pedigree on CD-ROM, or download the 676Kb installer setgu7207.exe (Version 7.207 April 2018). Includes Convert UTF-8 for handling GEDCOM file in Unicode subset UTF-8, as can be produced by some other programs.
A utility to copy Groups, Records, Picture scripts, Reports and Tables from one Pedigree Software database to another. Download the 501Kb installer setpedc205.exe (Version 2.0.5 May 2018).
A utility to analyse Pedigree database definitions, including records and Picture Scripts. Supplied with PediTree and Pedigree on CD-ROM, or download the 590Kb installer setps3305.exe (Version 3.305 Oct 2018).
A utility to produce a Timeline from a GEDCOM file. Download a more detailed description (PDF 285Kb) and/or the installer here (version 0.91 22 Oct 2018). If you have uploaded before 22 Oct, then a mistake in the Historic Event list can be corrected by installing this patch 0.3Mb (22 Oct 2018).
Pedigree Printing
A utility to assist printing from Pedigree for DOS under Windows 95 or later. Supplied with Pedigree on CD-ROM, also available for download as the 300Kb file
Not tested under Windows Vista or Windows 7. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to PediTree with its improved printing facilities instead of using this utility.
Other DOS Utilities
The following utilities are all DOS programs that need to be run from a command prompt. They will not work under 64-bit versions of Windows (but see the information in page Pedigree for DOS).
Convert GEDCOM files from Pedigree for export to other programs. Supplied with PediTree, but not generally needed for use with that program.
A general-purpose sorting program. Supplied with PediTree.
A utility for copying and deleting Pedigree databases. When copying to floppy disks, will permit a database to span several disks if necessary. Supplied with Pedigree. Not recommended for use with PediTree.